24 Apr, 2012
@Haarlem City
這裡,人們以單車代步,單車使用率可以話全球第一,全靠 荷蘭土地平坦之故。
由於使用率非常高,馬路旁開闢了一條單車與電車專用馬路 。
最好既係 - 唔似係澳洲一定要帶頭盔先可以踩單車,Goood!
Welcome to the bike Kingdom, in this country, the bike rules!
People use bike for their daily life, thanks to fact that the land is flat in The Netherlands.
A road just for bike and motor is specially made just next to the car road.
The good thing is - not like in Australia, you don't have to wear helmet to do cycling! Gooood!
— inHaarlem, Netherlands